Sunday, March 25, 2012

More IS Kinder Blog Links

Here are two more IS kindergarten blogs which feature my visit. Again, a giant-sized thank you to all the teachers and kids who made my visit a memorable one! The Snakes: and The Superstars:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

International School Visit

Last March 19th, I spent the whole day at the International School and visited 5 kinder classes (the Dolphins, the Golden Dragons, the Sharks, the Snakes, and the Superstars). I shared my thoughts on what it was like being an author and illustrator of Children's books, then I gave them a story presentation of The Great Duck and Crocodile Race (with the assistance of my lovely wife Shirley).

Everyone was so nice to us, and the kids were the best! The photo here features Teacher Phebe and Teacher Eugene - who were both absolutely inspiring! I'm the immature kid in the middle playing with the class Shark.

Here is a link to the kinder-blog of the Sharks: